
Are you looking for writing-based services? I can assist you with Proofreading, Copy Editing, Content Development, Writing (blogs and other articles), Technical Writing), Ghost Writing, and more. Contact me for a quote or more information.

Welcome; my name is Eric Peterson.

I work daily in the Cybersecurity Industry and have numerous side interests and abilities, such as being an author/writer and proofreader. I would love to work with you on a writing project. I have an M.S. in IT Security & Assurance, six self-published books, and 21 CDs of originally composed and recorded music.

I proofread and edit content almost daily for blogs, develop original web content, and perform technical writing. My project and hourly rates are very affordable, and my turnaround is quick. You’ll enjoy my approach to your writing project and having any deadlines met and on budget. Contact me today.

Contact Information

Email or Phone (435) 288-1980

Mailing Address: 6211 S. Highland Drive #239, SLC, UT 84121